Thunder Bay Looking Good!
by Scott A. Sumner
When you look at some of the developments we have recently seen in Thunder Bay you have to be encouraged. When I drive to work everyday my route includes the new Golf Links Road and a turn down Oliver Road. The major roadwork done here was a big inconvenience for many of us over the summer but now looks impressive. This is the way I would like to see more of Thunder Bay in the future.
The new office buildings going near and at the hospital site are impressive and give the feel of a vibrant city. When I drive to the Lakehead University Hangar for my weekly workouts I think this is one of the most vibrant areas of Thunder Bay. Next I drive to Beverly Street and see a nice townhouse / condominium development near the entrance to Lakehead University.
The Harbour Expressway near the Superstore looks much different with two new hotels under construction. The Marriot is almost finished and the Holiday Inn Express well underway. There also is what I think a new restaurant just starting construction. It is definitely a growth look!
The waterfront looks very prosperous to me. The city did a nice job on their $60 million plus development and now the private sector are well underway with two new condominium buildings and a hotel. This is another prosperous looking area of Thunder Bay and one that should continue to develop.
We seem to be getting lots of retail happening here. The Intercity Shopping Centre, Thunder Center area looks big city to me. Toys R Us and other major retailers like what they see here I guess and are making big investments. There is a great selection of all style of retailers here. As a small business I like locally owned business the best. On my last trip to Duluth on the Black Friday weekend to cover Snocross racing, the Canada Customs agent at Pigeon River asked me what I was bringing back. I said nothing as I buy in Canada and he seemed puzzled but let me through right away!
You can’ t help not being impressed with the new courthouse building in the Southward. It is very impressive and could fit in well in a big centre like Toronto but is right here in Thunder Bay. The new supportive housing project in the Southward is also an $80 million plus project that is very much needed here in Thunder Bay.
More and more I see the people of the region of Northwestern Ontario visitingn Thunder Bay to experience what we have and this tells me we are becoming more and more a regional hub for shopping, health care, sporting activities and just a nice destination to visit.
What will 2014 bring? More of the same I hope. We should be proud of the city we live in and talk it up to everyone we meet in our day-to-day activities and travels outside. Lake Superior is the largest fresh water lake in the world. We have many pristine rural settings in which to live only a few kilometers from the centre of the urban city. Thunder Bay has a lot to offer and it may just be catching on now!