Thunder Bay Hydro Celebrates Local Businesses Who Do More to Save On Energy
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Thunder Bay Hydro Celebrates

Thunder Bay Hydro Celebrates Local Businesses Who Do More to Save On Energy


by Scott A. Sumner

   Thunder Bay Hydro recognized four local businesses at their recent 2013 Retrofit Excellence in Energy Efficiency & Conservation Awards. Each business has demonstrated leadership to save on energy and has participated in the Thunder  Bay Hydro save ON energy RETROFIT PROGRAM over the past year. The RETROFIT PROGRAM provides incentives for commercial operations to install newer, more energy efficient solutions. Says Tim Wilson, Vice President Customer Service & Conservation of Thunder Bay Hydro; “The RETROFIT PROGRAM supports energy wise and financially efficient business. Today's award recipients prove that Thunder Bay businesses are taking positive action to save on energy and better yet, that local businesses are experiencing tangible returns on their investments. Thunder Bay Hydro is incredibly proud to be working with these proactive business owners to make a difference in the community." The recipients of the 2013 Retrofit Excellence in Energy Efficiency & Conservation Awards are as follows:


DaVinci Centre Retrofit: Measure: Old lighting & air conditioning units replaced with new efficient models. Key Stats: 12% savings in annual energy consumption. Retrofit incentive covered 17% of total project cost.

Galaxy Lanes Retrofit: Measure: Old lighting replaced with new efficient lighting. Key Stats: 17% savings in annual energy consumption. Retrofit incentive covered 30% of total project cost.


Mascarin Collision & Auto Care Centre Retrofit: Measure: Old lighting & air conditioning units replaced with new efficient models. Key Stats: new lighting is 17% more efficient than the old lighting it replaced. Retrofit incentive covered 40% of total project cost.

McKellar Place Retrofit: Measure: Old variable frequency drives upgraded to more efficient models. Key Stats: 4% savings in annual energy consumption. Retrofit incentive covered 30% of total project cost.

Since 2007, Thunder Bay Hydro Conservation has completed over 150 Retrofits in the community, which has saved one megawatt (MW) of electricity.  This equates to enough electricity to power 1,000 homes. The RETROFIT PROGRAM has also paid out over $500,000.00 in incentives to local businesses.

Continues Wilson; “ Thunder Bay Hydro is a community-focused business first. We understand that every saved kilowatt of power helps us to achieve our community conservation goals. The best part of the RETROFIT PROGRAM is that it supports our corporate conservation efforts in Thunder Bay and at the same time, makes perfect business sense for participants."

Participant Testimonials:

Tony Barile, DaVinci Centre “Energy savings alone should be enough for any business to want to upgrade their lighting system.”

Ted Ciotucha, Galaxy Lanes;

“The team at Thunder Bay Hydro were amazing to work with. They helped us all the way, and were very professional and helpful. I would definitely encourage other businesses to participate in the RETROFIT PROGRAM.”

Ansanual Habib, McKellar Place;

“When you save energy it doesn’t add pollution or use the resources you need to produce the unnecessary energy.  It also reduces cost for the business, and allows you to become more profitable.”


  Gino Mascarin Co Owner of Mascarin Collision Centre

“It sends a good business signal that we are doing our part in protecting the environment and protecting future generations. It gives our employees a lot of self satisfaction that they are doing their part as the business moves forward. It is a really good feeling.”

“ We took out our old light fixtures, which were high sodium lights and replaced them with the new T5 technology that is much, more energy efficient, brighter and have more candlelight. It is smaller tube type of bulb. We have seen some substantial savings in energy but also it has also made the workplace environment much better. It is a healthier and more productive environment now. Thunder Bay Hydro covered a big portion of the costs. We purchased and installed the lights and Thunder Bay Hydro gave us a rebate cheque back. I would recommend this program to other businesses 100%, it is a must.  Thunder Bay Hydro was great to work with and I encourage all businesses to apply.”

Tony Pecchin of Thunder Bay Hydro, Energy Services Advisor. “ I help our business customers with their lighting HVAC and motors or anything that saves energy. The business and their electrical supplier contact us and we first start the paper work and get them registered. The work gets done,the paper work is submitted and then we pay the client back. A typical office may have obsolete lighting you can’t replace anymore. You are getting incentives to change the lighting. It is a very good incentive and a nice program. When you walk into an office or building that has been retrofitted you are shocked. It is like night and day. You also get lower operating costs. I have had businesses that have done the retrofit and their payback was just 8 months. Typically it may be 2 to 4 years.  To find our more just go to the Thunder Bay Hydro website and you can call us to see what incentives are available.”

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Scott Sumner